InterCare Multimedia Podcast/Video Survey
Given Names:
Have you listened to podcasts before?
If yes, have you ever listened to a podcast in the interest of studying/learning?
If a podcast regarding each unit of your course was offered as a complimentary resource, included as part of your learning experience at InterCare, would you take advantage and listen?
If you answered 'Maybe' to the above question, please explain your response
What would be your preferred duration for a podcast?
Have you watched short, online videos before?
If yes, have you ever watched an online video in the interest of studying/learning?
If a video regarding each unit of your course was available as a complimentary resource, included as part of your learning experience at InterCare, would you take advantage and watch it?
If you answered 'Maybe' to the above question, please explain your response
What would be your preferred duration for an online video?
Which of the following would you prefer to assist you with your learning?